Epidemiology of Whiplash Injuries
Epidemiology has been defined as “the science concerned with
the study of the factors determining and influencing the frequency and
distribution of disease, injury, and other health-related events and their
causes in a defined human population for the purpose of establishing programs
to prevent and control their development and spread. Hence, this chapter will
cover the numbers of persons who experience whiplash injuries, mainly in the
United States, as well as factors that are thought to influence the risk of
becoming injured in a motor vehicle crash (MVC) or of developing chronic
symptoms post-injury. Many such factors have been suggested, including the
injured person’s age, gender, anthropometry, certain pre-existing conditions,
position within the vehicle, the vehicle’s crashworthiness, and others.
Clinicians should be familiar with the significant risk factors in order to formulate
more personalized treatment plans and prognoses in whiplash patients.
studies have been used extensively to investigate the whiplash phenomenon,
primarily because the condition is not amendable to investigation using
randomized controlled trails, which are considered to be the gold standard of
which are considered to be the gold standard of clinical research. This is
primarily because it would be unethical to expose people to the kinds of forces
that are capable of causing injuries involved in MVCs. Thus, whiplash studies
typically compare a group of people who have already been involved in MVCs with
another group who have not. Researcher wither follow the groups forward in time
(ie, cohort studies) or assess various aspects of their medical history
retrospectively, before as well as after the time of the crash (ie,
case-control studies).
have been carried out where human volunteers were exposed to whiplash-like
forces (ie, crash tests) similar to what would be expected in a real-life MVC.
However, they have always simulated relatively low-speed crashes and rarely
resulted in symptoms. When symptoms did occur, they have been mild and short
-lived. Also, these types of studies have never randomized subjects to groups
for comparisons.
is commonly used in the field of public health, which focuses on the study of
populations with the purpose of identifying the causes of diseases and
conditions. Once the causes are identified, strategies can be developed that
are designed to prevent the diseases from occurring. Public health
interventions, such as advising people about the best ways to avoid risk
factors or how they can integrate protective factors into their lifestyles, can
effectively prevent future injuries and illness, as well as enhance the healing
process when injury or illness has already occurred. Traffic safety matters,
including whiplash, are of interest to public health practitioners, health care
providers, as well as local, state, and national governments because of the
potential to prevent or reduce the severity of crash-related injuries using
these preventive methods.
aspect of epidemiology involves collecting data from various sources and then
analyzing it. However, the data pertaining to the epidemiology of whiplash is
at times conflicting--sometimes because of inconsistencies in the way the data
were gathered and other times in the way they were analyzed. It is also
possible, and not that uncommon, for data collection and analysis to go awry at
the same time. These inaccuracies can often be resolved by relying on
higher-quality information sources, though even high-quality sources are not
always in agreement. In addition to the potential flaws associated with the
collection, analysis, and reporting of data, the way data are interpreted is
often inconsistent. This chapter will call attention to some of these
controversial aspects in relation to whiplash, relying on the highest-quality
studies available.
only is the way data are collected and interpreted inconsistent in this area of
investigation, the term “whiplash” itself is controversial: whereas some
researchers use it to describe a mechanism of injury in which the head and neck
are forcibly moved beyond the limits of anatomical integrity, others use it to
describe the injury that often results. Consequently, the Quebec Task Force on
Whiplash-Associated Disorders coined the term “whiplash-associated disorders”
(WAD) in 1995 to describe an array of symptoms that have been reported in
association with whiplash injuries. According to the Quebec Task Force, WAD
symptoms may include neck pain and stiffness, headache, dizziness, tinnitus,
memory loss, deafness, dysphasia, upper extremity syndromes (e.g., radicular
symptoms and carpal tunnel syndrome), Temporomandibular joint disorder, and
Basic Epidemiological Terms
There are some basic terms that are essential to the
understanding of the science of epidemiology, a few of which are listed here.
Association-when two or more attributes are related
to each other in such a way that they change predictably together.
Bias-anything that causes the conclusions of a
study to be systematically different from the truth. Bias may occur in the way
data are collected, analyzed, and/or interpreted.
Case-a person in an epidemiological study who
has the disease or condition under investigation. These persons are members of
the cases group in a case-control study.
Case-control study-a type of epidemiological
study in which participants are separated into two groups: members of one group
have the disease of condition under study (the cases), and those in the other
group do no (the controls). The groups are assessed concerning previous
exposure to various factors or the presence of certain traits, and then rates
of exposure/traits are compared between cases and controls.
Cause-refers to a factor that has a direct
effect on the occurrence of a disease or condition. The factor could be an
intrinsic trait or a behavior of the persons being studied or some event they
were exposed to
Cohort--A distinct group of people who have
something in common, such as being exposed to a common risk factor or being
born in the same year.
Cohort study--a type of epidemiological study
that follows one or more cohorts forward in time to determine the incidence of
new diseases, conditions, and/or deaths that occur. Typically, one cohort is
exposed to a risk factor, while the comparison cohort is not. The rates of the
measured outcomes are then compared between the groups to see if members of the
exposed cohort are more likely to develop the disease or condition.
Exposure--an external factor that may have an
impact on the health of a person if the person is exposed to that factor.
Incidence--the number of newly diagnosed cases
of a disease within a specified population during a specified time period,
which is typically 1 year. The denominator is the population under
consideration and the numerator is the number of new cases that develop during
the given time period. The incidence rate may be calculated by dividing the
number of the new cases of a disease in a given time period by the number of
persons in the population who are at risk for the disease.
Odds ratio (OR)--an estimate of the odds of
developing a disease given that a person was exposed to a relevant risk factor.
It is the odds of being exposed to the risk factor under investigation in the
cases in the control group, which is calculated from data in case-control
Prevalence--the number of persons in a
population who may have a given disease or attribute at a particular point in
time (point prevalence) or over a specified period of time (period prevalence).
The prevalence rate is calculated by dividing the total number of cases of a
disease within a population by the total population.
Relative risk (RR)--the probability of disease
being present in the exposed group, divided by the probability of disease in
the unexposed group, which is commonly calculated in cohort studies
Risk--the likelihood that a person will
experience a given event (e.g., become injured).
Risk factor--a behavior, environmental exposure,
or inherent characteristic of an individual that increases the likelihood of an
individual’s developing a disease or condition.
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