But there still isn't a set-in-stone answer when it comes to the question of just how much water we need to drink each day. Some people will tell you to drink eight glasses, while others call that "nonsense."Others will tell you to divide your body weight in half and drink that number, in ounces, of water every day. And depending on the weather or your level of physical activity or whether or not you're pregnant, you might need even more than usual.
About 80 percent of our daily water intake comes from beverages, and the remaining 20 percent comes from the foods we eat.
It's true that you don't want to overdo it when it comes to drinking water. It ispossible to drink too much -- and it can be fatal -- but, with half of Americans drinking sugary drinks daily, we think there's still plenty of room for many of us to drink more water.
Here are a few tips to get more H2O:
1. Place a glass of water by your bed and drink it first thing when you wake up in the morning.
2. Keep a reusable cup or bottle at your desk. When it's empty, go fill it back up. This is also a great way to fit in more steps during the day.
3. If you don't have a desk job or even if you do, toss a water bottle in your bag to sip while you're out and about.
4. When you sit down to a meal, have a glass or two of water before you eat. A 2010 study found that drinking two glasses of water before meals helped people lose five pounds more than people who did not increase their water intake.
5. If you are the type of person who would rather reach for a sweet sip than plain ol' water, you don't have to cut out juice cold turkey. instead, fill 1/4 of your cup with 100 percent fruit juice and top it off with water or seltzer.
6. If you find yourself reaching for soda or other drink that isn't 100 percent fruit juice, use that craving as a reminder to grab a glass of H2O. But if you can't quit those bubbles, seltzer counts as water.
7. Still can't get over the bland taste of water? Use fresh fruit or veggies to flavor your water. Cucumber, lemon, lime, and watermelon are tasty options - and high in water themselves.
8. Just as keeping a food diary can help you key into what and when you're eating, tracking your water intake can similarly shine a light on where you could fit in more fluids. There's even an app for that!
Doctor of Chiropractic Atlanta
Doctor of Chiropractic Atlanta
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