Saturday, June 16, 2012

The Doctor Says I Have a Subluxation?

Vertebral Subluxation: Spinal bone stuck out of alignment causing interference with nerve messages between your brain and your body. The result of this interference is dis-ease (lack of ease, which can lead to disease).

Vertebral Subluxation Effects
For ease of understanding and communication, subluxation damage is defined by the following five components:
  • Joint damage (kinesiopathology) - (ki-ne"se-o-pah-thol'o-je) Your spine is misaligned. It's often painless but you may not be able to turn your head, hips or other body parts around equally well or as far as possible (reduced range of motion). You may have "noisy joints".
  • Nerve damage (neuropathology) - (nu"ro-path"ol'o-je) Your nerves and related structures are impinged, compressed or otherwise irritated. Chemicals and impulses that flow over the nerves may be blocked. You may feel nothing or there may be pain and other symptoms.
  • Muscle damage (myopathology) - (mi-o-pah-thol'o-je) Your muscles are tight, in spasm, weak, overly sensitive and/or sore. Your posture is unbalanced, resulting in fatigue and increased joint wear and tear.
  • Tissue damage (histopathology) - (his'to-pah-thol'o-je) You have tender "trigger points" or painful spots. Ligaments, cartilage, discs, tendons and internal organs may be affected resulting in osteoarthritis or spinal degeneration.
  • Overall body malfunction (pathophysiology) - (path"o-fiz"e-ol'o-je) Chronic subluxation stress causes your muscles, joints, ligaments and organs to show signs of wear and tear, premature aging, fatigue, less resistance to disease and lack of physical and mental vitality. Internal organ disease, spinal degeneration and disc herniation may occur after years of VSC damage.

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